Hi and welcome on my website. Here I write some stuff regarding math and computer science. Feel free to explore!

About Me

My name is Sebastian and I am currently doing my Master's degree at the Technical University of Munich, specializing in Computer Vision paired with Deep Learning. Before that, I did my bachelor studies at the University of Passau where I wrote my thesis about using Variational Autoencoders to extract features from CT images.

Here you can also find my CV.

And here a link to my Github profile.

I also like to participate in Coding challenges, including Project Euler, LeetCode and Codeforces.


A collection of awesome algorithmic ideas.

Digit DP

Quickly answering questions about numbers in a range \([a,b]\) with dynamic programming.

Forward/Backward Hashing

Polynomial rolling hash function for \(\mathcal{O}(1)\) palindrome checking. I discovered this technique when solving LC 336.


Projects as part of my studies.

Neural Surface reconstruction

Volume rendering is inherently bad when it comes to reconstructing surfaces. As part of a research practical, we improved the output geometry by using signed distance functions and altering the network architecture as well as the optimization objective.

Feature extraction using Variational Autoencoders

Modern capturing devices such as synchrotrons make it possible to generate large amounts of data. My bachelor thesis was about extracting useful features and learning a low-dimensional representation.

Side projects

Here is a quick overview of some side projects I implemented. They're mostly related to my hobbies and things I find interesting. Code for most of them can be found on my Github.

Fluid Simulation

Implementation of fluid simulation based on the Navier Stokes equations for incompressible fluids. The project was done in C++ using SDL.

Verlet integration

Cloth simulation based on Newton's equation of motion. The implementation is in Javascript, using a single HTML canvas.

Falling sand simulation

Falling sand simulation implemented using HTML canvas elements. The simulation is based on a finite state machine and had to be extensively optimized to run (somewhat) smooth.

Path raytracer

Implementation of a multithreaded path raytracer in C++ using SFML library. Ray generation and rendering is done using a simple perspective camera model.

Thistlethwaite algorithm

Implementation of a Rubiks cube solver based on the four phase group algorithm proposed by Thistlethwaite. Uses iterative deepening and precomputed hashtables to prune the search tree. I'm working on an OpenGL based GUI.


Simple implementation of a JVM based on the official specification.


A recursive-descent compiler that compiles a large subset of C-89 into x86 assembly.

Computer Science

Here you'll find some interactive widgets that deal with topics around computer science, especially things that can be beautifully visualized.

QR Code Generator

Implementation of a simple QR code scanner based on the official specification with the help of Javascript and the svg HTML elment. Tried to explain the underlying error correction.



Technologies I worked with include